Why is it important to note the longevity of tyres?
Having tyres that are in good, proper conditions is an essential aspect of safe driving. Good quality tyres ensure that your vehicle does not face much wear and tear, and ensures a smoother driving experience by maintaining good steering and stability.
However, switching tyres is a costly affair, and thus one should keep in mind the warning signs and symptoms that indicate when it is time to change tyres.
Factors that affect the longevity of tyres
The following guide by EverTyres discusses the factors that might prolong or shorten the time for which one can use a tyre -
- ● Time
First and foremost, a few milestones need to be kept in mind. Regardless of the condition of the tyre, one should switch to a new one after 5 years, even if the tyre seems to be in pristine condition.
This ensures the safety of the vehicle and everyone travelling in it, as unexpected errors can arise out of the blue in old tyres. Moreover, one should discard even unused tyres after 10 years from their date of manufacturing, as it is better to err on the side of caution.
● Distance TravelledSimilar to a time milestone, distance is also a factor that contributes to the wear and tear of tyres, and thus distance travelled should also be kept an eye on. A good rule of thumb is to change tyres after every 40,000-50,000 kilometres, even if the tread wear and other indicators of good tyre health seem fine.
● Tyre CareThe lifespan of a tyre also depends on how well it is cared for. Frequent inspection of the tyre to look for signs of uneven tread wear, sharp objects that might puncture the tyre, or any other signs of damage such as damaged valve caps and other areas can lead to early detection of problems, which can then be rectified.
On the other hand, negligence about these issues can lead to wear and tear that happens without the knowledge. This will lead to a lower lifespan of the tyres, and these will need to be replaced much sooner.
Thus, taking constant care of tyres and fixing these issues will help in increasing the overall lifespan of the tyres.
● Driving HabitsTyre lifespan and when to change them becomes even more of a subjective matter when one takes into account the different driving habits of individuals - some people drive much faster than others, some avoid damaged roads while others don’t, some use emergency brakes and quick starts.
All of these factors directly or indirectly affect the quality and durability of the tyres, and thus changes the time span within which one must change out their tyres.
Driving with proper care, with the tyres in the right conditions ensures more longevity in the tyres.
● Driving ConditionsThe conditions in which the vehicle is operating also has a significant impact on when the tyres might need to be changed. Driving on roads that are affected by weather conditions like rain, snow, hail, etc. has a much different effect on tyres as
Similarly, driving in extreme temperatures, or driving on damaged roads can increase the amount of wear and tear that tyres face. Coming in contact with oil, grease, and other chemicals also shortens the lifespan of tyres.
● PuncturesA tyre that has frequently been punctured by sharp objects is not suitable for further uses. Punctures end up damaging the rubber tread component of the tyre, and thus make it easier for further punctures in the tyre to take place. Thus, if one notices multiple or frequent punctures happening in the same tyre despite reparations, it might be time to consider switching to a new tyre.
● Tyre UsageHow different users use their tyres, and how suitable these habits are for the tyre is also an important factor for tyre health. When it comes to installing and using tyres, there are some general rules to be followed, such as -
i) One should not use summer tyres over snow or ice
ii) Different types of tyres should not be mixed and used on the same vehicle at the same time
iii) The wheel and rim size must be complementary to each other
iv) One should not re-inflate a completely flat tyre, or a tyre that was severely under inflated.
When to change tyres?
If the following signs are present in the tyre, it might be best to switch to a new one -
- ● Tread
If the tread of the tyre, which is the part of the tyre that makes contact with the road, has a depth which is beyond the recommended levels for your specific tyre, the tyre should be replaced.
Moreover, any hole in the tread greater than 6mm is also a sign that the tyre should be switched with a new one.
● SidewallThe sidewall of a tyre is the part on the edge of the tread, which bears information such as the size and type of tyre. If any damage to this part is present, one should opt for a new tyre.
● BeadThe bead is the edge of the tyre, which holds it in place on the rim of the wheel. If any damage or deformation of the bead can be observed, the safest option is to change tyres.