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Why Whole Grain Flour is a Healthy Diet’s Best Friend?

Why Whole Grain Flour is a Healthy Diet’s Best Friend?

Why Whole Grain Flour is a Healthy Diet’s Best Friend?

Whole grains have an immense amount of benefits that they can add to one’s diet. They contain a wide variety of nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins, minerals etc., which truly makes these a smart choice. Some examples of whole grains are oats, maize, wheat, millet, quinoa, brown rice, etc.

Flour made out of whole grains is an extremely convenient way to incorporate more whole grains into one’s eating habits, as many dishes that are made using refined flour can be made by substituting the refined flour with whole grain flour.

However, machine ground flour often kills the good nutrients present in the grain. To solve this issue, at Flourpicker, we stone grind the grains that maximizes the amount of nutritional benefit that one can get from the flour.

Whole Grain Flour vs Refined Flour

Whole grains are made out of three components -

1. The "bran", or the outer shell of the grain. This part of the grain has a very high fiber content.

2. The "endosperm", or the middle layer of the grain, which is primarily made up of carbohydrates.

3. The "germ", which is the inner layer of the grain, contains multiple vitamins, minerals, protein, plant compounds etc.

In order to make whole grain flour, the entire grain with all its three components is ground together to make the flour. This ensures that all the nutritional benefits present in all three layers is present in the final flour.

Various whole grains can also be combined to make multigrain flour, which offer a wider variety of nutrients, owing to the different grains used. In order to offer flexibility and customisation, we, at Flourpicker, give our customers the option to choose their own grains to be used in the flour and we grind it after the order has been placed to ensure freshness.

In the process of making refined flour however, the bran and the germ are removed, due to which the fibrous content of the bran, and the nutritional value of the germ are no longer present in the refined flour.

Refined flour is more light and airy, which results in fluffier and better textured food items, but this involves a very compromise in terms of nutrients. Although whole grain flour might result in relatively denser breads, pastries, etc., the end result is much more nutritionally healthful.

Why Whole Grain Flour?

As mentioned, whole grain flour is nutritionally superior since it contains all the benefits present in all three layers of the whole grain. They can also be made from various grains, such as ragi flour, maize flour, etc., and each of these flours have a different set of nutrients.

These grains have a lot to offer, and can lead to the following benefits:

1. Reduced risk of obesity

The high fiber content in whole grains promote a feeling of fullness, which stops people from overeating. Due to the presence of the bran, whole grain flour has more fiber as compared to refined flour, and thus promotes a reduction of obesity.

2. Supports good gut health

The high fiber content in whole grains contributes to a healthier digestive system, and thus promotes good gut health. Moreover, some fibers present in whole grains contain prebiotics, which are extremely beneficial, as prebiotics help in feeding the ‘good bacteria’ present in our digestive system, which refers to the bacteria that ensures good digestive health.

3. Protects against heart diseases and strokes

Studies have shown that consumption of whole grains has a correlation with a decrease in the risk of getting heart diseases, which is one of the biggest and most concerning causes of death worldwide.

The fiber content in whole grains may prevent clots that can lead to the obstruction of passageways, leading to heart attacks or strokes.

4. Helps in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels

The bran content, along with the fiber content in whole grains ensure that there is slower absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, which prevents sudden spikes or depressions of sugar content present in the body. This phenomenon also helps in preventing type 2 diabetes in people. Other benefits such as a reduction in obesity also contribute to the prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Thus, whole grain has some very promising and rewarding health benefits to offer- owing primarily to the presence of the bran and the germ. The removal of these parts to manufacture refined flour gets rid of all these benefits - making whole grain flour a healthy diet’s best friend.

Things to consider before switching to whole grain flour

Despite all the benefits of whole grain flour mentioned, it is not suitable for everyone. It is important to account for food allergies and food sensitivities before switching to a new flour.

Whole wheat and products made out of whole wheat, such as whole wheat flour is not recommended for people with celiac disease or gluten allergy or sensitivity.

However, even for people with these conditions, grains such as oats, rice, etc. are viable options, since these do not contain any gluten.

The Takeaway

Whole wheat grains have numerous features that can benefit a person’s health when consumed regularly. It reduces the risk of getting prevalent and life threatening health issues such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other diseases caused or aggravated due to obesity.

Whole wheat flour is a simple and convenient solution for someone who wishes to incorporate more whole grains into their diet, and many dishes can be made from the same without having to compromise on taste. This makes whole wheat flour an appealing option for a wide range of people who are health conscious and looking to improve their diet.